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The eClinical Forum is a global network of peers. It provides a non‐competitive environment for innovation, learning and collaboration in clinical research.
The eCF is releasing 3 documents via the eCF website “Members” area (un/pw required). Please feel free to download them and share with other members of your company.
Companies engaged in commercial clinical research have, since the introduction of formalized good clinical practices (GCP), adopted highly defensive practices around the monitoring of clinical trials.
CASE STUDY EHR4CR - A new technological platform enabling the re-use of data from electronic health records.
Submission of comments to the FDA on their Draft Guidance on Standardized Study Data
eCF Submission to EMA on their Reflection Paper on the Use of IRT (Interactive Voice/Web response Systems in Clinical Trials)
Practical Considerations for Clinical Trial Sites using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) certified for Clinical Research
eCF comments on FDA Draft Guidance: Electronic Source Doc in Clinical Investigations
The EHRCR Functional Profile Working Group is comprised of dedicated individuals from the United States and the European Union in the following industries: pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical research technology vendor, healthcare technology vendor, and federal regulator.
As the healthcare and pharmaceutical technology spheres move closer together at the clinical research interface, the eClinical paradigm needs to be revisited in order to leverage emerging political, cultural, procedural and technological opportunities. Understanding investigational site experiences with today’s clinical trial technologies and their perspectives on future requirements is critical to delivery of improved eClinical solutions
2009: EHRCR User Requirements Addendum, Draft 2, 16 April 2009
2009: HL7 EHR Clinical Research Functional Profile, Release 1
Considerations for Implementation of Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) in Clinical Studies
A Guide to the Options, Issues, Best Practices and Learning Experiences
eCF Views & News
We send out a brief monthly newsletter via email to all our active eCF members to keep them abreast of the activities of eCF that they can participate in. The more who participate, the better we are "A Network Powered by Peers". Click to see the most current newsletter.
eCF Technology Showcase: The Impact of AI Driven Automation and Data Transformation - A Guided User Experience for Automated Mapping
eClinical Solutions, and eCF member company will present an approach to AI that aims to bridge that gap – a guided user experience for automated mapping.
The eClinical Forum is happy to showcase their members, however does not promote nor endorse any particular technology solution.
eCF “Think GCP” Webinar: ICH E6(R3) for eCF Members
Presenter: Rebecca Stanbrook, GCP Strategic Lead, Process & Risk Surveillance, Novartis, EFPIA Topic Lead ICH E6(R3)
About this topic: The final piece of the GCP renovation puzzle, revision 3 of ICH GCP. Understand the background to the renovation, key changes and the philosophy of the changes in this one hour webinar.
eCF Webinar: Audit Trail Review – Is your Audit Trail fit for purpose?
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2025 Duration: One hour
Presenter: Dr. Torsten Stemmler, head of GCP inspections at the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM)
Dr Torsten Stemmler has been involved in GCP inspections since 2017 and has contributed to various European guidelines (e.g. Guideline on computerised systems and electronic data in clinical trials). He has a background in data management and neurobiology (specialising in psychophysics). He is currently working on GCP inspections and artificial intelligence in the EMA eSubgroup.