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eCF Technology Showcase Webinar: OpenClinca “Unlocking Clinical Data from EHRs”

Aug 20, 2024 at UTC 1400

Event date: 20/08/2024 Export event

eCF Technology Showcase Webinar: OpenClinca “Unlocking Clinical Data from EHRs”

eCF Technology Showcase: OpenClinca “Unlocking Clinical Data from EHRs”

We know sites are burdened with an overwhelming number of siloed technologies. What if site users could launch the eCRF with a single click from the patient’s chart, and automatically populate CRFs with data from the chart? A complex alphabet soup of technology goes into making this possible. OpenClinica has developed systems that can integrate directly into the patient chart, and this integration is supported nearly universally across the US healthcare ecosystem and increasingly in other parts of the world. Please join us in viewing our newest eCF member’s technology.

Date: Tues, 20-Aug-2024       Duration: One hour

Presenters: Chris Weiss and Cal Collins, OpenClinica

Time: We apologize for the inconvenient time for our members in the Asia Pacific time zones. We will be recording the session, so if you are unable to attend, please register to receive the recording. 

Recording:  A link to the recording will be provided the next day, to those who register for the recording.

Open To: Staff from eClinical Forum member companies (gratis). For information on eCF membership, please see www.eclinicalforum.org/membership or send an inquiry to info@eclinicalforum.org.

Background: This is an eClinical Forum Technology Showcase. Our Technology Showcase sessions have been requested by eCF members to provide a demonstration of products or services, and by necessity are not technology or vendor neutral. The eClinical Forum does not promote nor endorse any particular technology vendors. Any member can participate that has an interest in the topic area.  Any eClinical Forum Member may suggest or present a Technology Showcase. For more information, please reply to webinars@eclinicalforum.org.

What You Need to Do: Register using the link:    eCF TS: Unlocking clinical data from EHRs (eclinicalforum.org)

What Happens Next: You should receive a confirmation of your registration immediately after registration. We will send out connection instructions several days before the event to those who have registered.

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«March 2025»
eCF Technology Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

eCF Technology Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

AiCure, and eCF member company will present how their software uses AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention.

The eClinical Forum is happy to showcase their members, however does not promote nor endorse any particular technology solution.

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