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eCF Birds-of-a-Feather Webinar:  Site experience in the day-and-age of hybrid e-trials

Wednesday, 26-June-2024      UTC 1400, Duration: One hour

Event date: 26/06/2024 Export event

eCF Birds-of-a-Feather Webinar:  Site experience in the day-and-age of hybrid e-trials

eCF Birds-of-a-Feather Webinar:  Site experience in the day-and-age of hybrid e-trials

Date:                   Wednesday, 26-June-2024      Duration: One hour

Presenters:        Viviënne van de Walle, (Medical) Director / founder / Research Physician at the independent research site PreCare Trial & Recruitment / PT&R

About this topic:  Back by popular demand!  Dr. van de Walle presented at the hybrid European eCF workshop in May … and we just ran out of time to answer all the questions! So many requests to ask Viviënne to present again with more time. So, here it is! Not to be missed!  Viviënne is a full-time investigator and founder of an indepenent research site. She has vast site and patient experience and will share her insight into how hybrid trials are going for the sites and the patients.

Time: We apologize for the inconvenient time for our members in the Asia Pacific time zones. We will be recording the session, so if you are unable to attend, please register to receive the recording. 

Open To: All employees of eClinical Forum member companies (gratis).

For information on eCF membership, please see www.eclinicalforum.org/membership or send an inquiry to info@eclinicalforum.org.

Background: eClinical Forum webinar sessions focus on the details of a specific topic.  All participants are encouraged to share information and ask questions. Anyone from an eCF member company can participate, gratis.

Registration for eCF Members:   eCF BoF: Site experience in the day-and-age of hybrid e-trials (eclinicalforum.org)

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«March 2025»
eCF Technology Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

eCF Technology Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

AiCure, and eCF member company will present how their software uses AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention.

The eClinical Forum is happy to showcase their members, however does not promote nor endorse any particular technology solution.

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