Clinical Forum Teams work extensively with industry, healthcare organisations, academia regulators to link stakeholders and to facilitate the development of the environment for electronic clinical research. We have conducted surveys, developed tools, built an extensive base of knowledge of information relevant to the successful implementation of eClinical solutions.

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ECF Teams and Projects

Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials - "eCF Requirements" past public releases 2018 - 2023

The eCF REG team puts out a yearly version of the "eCF Requirements" which many orgainizations use to check compliance of their systems against regulatory authority document statements. The previous versions have been requested in order to easily check the requirements that were in place in a particular year. We are happy to provide all past publicly available versions of the "eCF Requirements". When a new version is released to the eCF members (typically at the end of Q1 each year), then the previous version is released to the public. If you are interested in obtaining the current version of this document, please review our membership tab on this website, or contact info@eclinicalforum.org for more information.

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