Clinical Forum Teams work extensively with industry, healthcare organisations, academia regulators to link stakeholders and to facilitate the development of the environment for electronic clinical research. We have conducted surveys, developed tools, built an extensive base of knowledge of information relevant to the successful implementation of eClinical solutions.

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ECF Teams and Projects

Audit Trail Review Analytics (ATRA) 16 February 20240

Audit Trail Review Analytics (ATRA)

Team started in August 2024.  The goal is to review, prioritize and standardize the audit trail review data checks based on the eCF ATR position paper (2021) and create a list of high impact checks that can be implemented by sponsor companies and technology vendors.

Essential Metadata 29 January 20240

Essential Metadata

The goal is to produce a list and description of the essential metadata required to be able to reenact the events of the trial.

Best Practice Recommendations for Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment Data Changes 19 December 20230

Best Practice Recommendations for Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment Data Changes

Congratulations to the joint C-Path/eCF :eCOA Best Practices" Team for publishing their paper “Best Practice Recommendations for Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment Data Changes”

 in the peer-reviewed SCDM Journal “Digital First”. 

Investigator Site File (ISF Assessment) 14 October 20220

Investigator Site File (ISF Assessment)

Developing a questionnaire to assist sites in evaluating their e-Investigator Site File systems against clinical research regulatory regulations and recommendations.