Clinical Forum Teams work extensively with industry, healthcare organisations, academia regulators to link stakeholders and to facilitate the development of the environment for electronic clinical research. We have conducted surveys, developed tools, built an extensive base of knowledge of information relevant to the successful implementation of eClinical solutions.

Join the eClinical Forum to participate in cross-industry initiatives and to benefit from early access to pre-competitive information on best practices and trends.

ECF Teams and Projects

Getting the most out of your eClinical Forum membership 2025 09 January 20250

Getting the most out of your eClinical Forum membership 2025

A complete overview of eCF Activities and plans for 2025.

08 November 2024

Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials - "eCF Requirements" past public releases 2018 - 2023

The eCF REG team puts out a yearly version of the "eCF Requirements" which many orgainizations use to check compliance of their systems against regulatory authority document statements. The previous versions have been requested in order to easily check the requirements that were in place in a particular year.

18 September 2024

Recording of eCF Public Webinar: Regulatory Requirements for Electronic Data/Systems for Clinical Trials, and associated site system assessments

Recording available from our public webinar which provided information on our 3 free tools: The “eCF Requirements” (Requirements for electronic data for regulated clinical trials), eSRA (Site eSource-Readiness Assessment), and ISF (Investigator Site File System) Assessment. These tools are absolutely free to download as a service to the industry that we serve; we do not even collect email or other information.

Public release of the "Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials" (commonly referred to as the “eCF Requirements”) 15 July 20240

Public release of the "Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials" (commonly referred to as the “eCF Requirements”)

The eClinical Forum is releasing its 7th public version of the “eCF Requirements” which takes all of the requirements and guidance directions that pertain to electronic data and electronic systems that support clinical research, from FDA, EMA, PMDA, MNPA, MHRA and ICH , and boils them down into 37 unique statements or "eCF Requirements".

eCF Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials PR2023 24 March 20240

eCF Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials PR2023

The eClinical Forum is happy to announce the Public release of the "eCF Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials PR2023"

ABOUT THE ECF REQUIREMENTS:  The eClinical Forum has produced a set of Requirements, which are based upon statements in regulatory documents that pertain to the design, development, implementation, and management of electronic systems that support clinical research data as well as those statements that pertain to the handling of data that will be used in a regulated clinical trial.  We have reviewed regulatory documents from the FDA, EMA, PMDA, NMPA, MHRA and ICH to produce this set of requirements. Each Requirement has as its basis one or more statements from one or more of these regulatory documents. The Requirements can be used to determine if systems, that source or manage data which will become part of a regulated clinical trial, are consistent with regulatory requirements and if systems and process that manage these data have the necessary features.

Three white papers released by the eCF/EUCROF Archiving and the Decommissioning Team 12 April 20230

Three white papers released by the eCF/EUCROF Archiving and the Decommissioning Team

The Archiving and Decommission Team is pleased to announce the public release of three white papers:

  • "The Decommissioning of Computerised Systems Used in Clinical Trials" 
  • "Nature of a Distributed Trial Master File ‐ Practical Aspects"
  • "Data Formats Used in Clinical Trials"

These white papers were written by a joint task force from EUCROF and the eClinical Forum, with representatives from other industry associations including ECRIN, the ePRO consortium, Medicines for Europe and the RQA.

Public Release: English Translation of V2.00 of Japan EDC Management Sheet 01 July 20220

Public Release: English Translation of V2.00 of Japan EDC Management Sheet

The Regulatory Expert Group is happy to announce the release of the English translation of the JPMA EDC Management Sheet v2.00.  EDC Management Sheet is a tool by which Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) ensures  the computerized system used in clinical trials comply with relevant regulations and guidelines.This is an unofficial translation and made public for anyone to use. Please be advised that the original Japanese version should be used for any disputes.

"When should audit trail begin?" 17 June 20210

"When should audit trail begin?"

Several members of the eClinical Forum's Regulatory Advisory Group have published an article in Applied Clinical Trials on "When should audit trail begin?"  It is a discussion of the regulatory history behind audit trails and its interpretation as it relates to clinical research data originating or residing in EDC or eCOA systems.

We welcome feedback! Please send to: REG@eclinicalforum.org 

Public Release: Audit Trail Review: Key Tool to Ensure Data Integrity Version 1.0 20 April 20210

Public Release: Audit Trail Review: Key Tool to Ensure Data Integrity Version 1.0

The Society for Clinical Data Management (SCDM) and eClinical Forum (eCF) Joint Task Force are pleased to announce the publication of an industry position paper “AUDIT TRAIL REVIEW: A KEY TOOL TO ENSURE DATA INTEGRITY” final version based on Industry Feedback.  With various electronic data capture modalities becoming the norm and the growing regulatory focus on data collection traceability, audit trails which capture the who, what, when, and why of electronic data entry and amendments are a critical tool.  This paper outlines an industry perspective on maximizing the value of implementing the targeted, routine review of these extremely large datasets. It provides recommendations on risk-based use cases for audit trail review (ATR) and the corresponding desired reporting criteria, with suggestions on when to use visualizations and exception report listings to generate key, actionable insights.