Clinical Forum Teams work extensively with industry, healthcare organisations, academia regulators to link stakeholders and to facilitate the development of the environment for electronic clinical research. We have conducted surveys, developed tools, built an extensive base of knowledge of information relevant to the successful implementation of eClinical solutions.

Join the eClinical Forum to participate in cross-industry initiatives and to benefit from early access to pre-competitive information on best practices and trends.

ECF Teams and Projects

eCF Submission to EMA on their Reflection Paper on the Use of IRT (Interactive Voice/Web response Systems in Clinical Trials) 06 February 20120

eCF Submission to EMA on their Reflection Paper on the Use of IRT (Interactive Voice/Web response Systems in Clinical Trials)

eCF Submission to EMA on their Reflection Paper on the Use of IRT (Interactive Voice/Web response Systems in Clinical Trials)

Practical Considerations for Clinical Trial Sites using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) certified for Clinical Research 08 June 20110

Practical Considerations for Clinical Trial Sites using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) certified for Clinical Research

Practical Considerations for Clinical Trial Sites using Electronic Health Records (EHRs) certified for Clinical Research

eCF comments on FDA Draft Guidance: Electronic Source Doc in Clinical Investigations 05 April 20110

eCF comments on FDA Draft Guidance: Electronic Source Doc in Clinical Investigations

eCF comments on FDA Draft Guidance: Electronic Source Doc in Clinical Investigations

2010: EuroRec Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research, Functional Profile, Version 1.0, January 2010 16 July 20100

2010: EuroRec Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research, Functional Profile, Version 1.0, January 2010

The EHRCR Functional Profile Working Group is comprised of dedicated individuals from the United States and the European Union in the following industries: pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical research technology vendor, healthcare technology vendor, and federal regulator.

2009: Revisiting the eClinical Paradigm - Investigational Site Perspectives on Clinical Trial Information Systems, DIA Nice Oct09 16 May 20090

2009: Revisiting the eClinical Paradigm - Investigational Site Perspectives on Clinical Trial Information Systems, DIA Nice Oct09

As the healthcare and pharmaceutical technology spheres move closer together at the clinical research interface, the eClinical paradigm needs to be revisited in order to leverage emerging political, cultural, procedural and technological opportunities. Understanding investigational site experiences with today’s clinical trial technologies and their perspectives on future requirements is critical to delivery of improved eClinical solutions

2009: EHRCR User Requirements Addendum, Draft 2, 16 April 2009 16 April 20090

2009: EHRCR User Requirements Addendum, Draft 2, 16 April 2009

2009: EHRCR User Requirements Addendum, Draft 2, 16 April 2009

2009: HL7 EHR Clinical Research Functional Profile, Release 1 01 January 20090

2009: HL7 EHR Clinical Research Functional Profile, Release 1

2009: HL7 EHR Clinical Research Functional Profile, Release 1

2008: Considerations for Implementation of ePRO in Clinical Studies - V2 01 December 20080

2008: Considerations for Implementation of ePRO in Clinical Studies - V2

Considerations for Implementation of Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) in Clinical Studies 

A Guide to the Options, Issues, Best Practices and Learning Experiences

2008, April:  EMEA eSource Draft -- Comments from eClinical Forum 01 April 20080

2008, April: EMEA eSource Draft -- Comments from eClinical Forum

Please download to review these comments.