The eClinical Forum is a global network of peers. It provides a non‐competitive environment for innovation, learning and collaboration in clinical research.



White Paper Released by the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Working Group

Better Together

  • 2 October 2023
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 467
White Paper Released by the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Working Group

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Team is pleased to announce the public release of theirwhite paper titled "AI state-of-play around clinical research"

The white paper were written by a joint task force from the eClinical Forum and Eucrof.

eClinical Forum Hybrid Workshop, Barcelona, Spain

October 4-6, 2023

  • 04/10/2023 13:00 - 06/10/2023 13:00
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 524
eClinical Forum Hybrid Workshop, Barcelona, Spain

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open and the agenda is available for our next European Workshop in Barcelona, Spain on October 4-6 hosted by Veeva Systems

This hybrid workshop is available for face-to-face or remote participation.
Please note...Presentations will be recorded and published in the member section of our Website after the workshop. Remote participation cannot replicate the experience of face-to-face participation and we encourage you to attend in person if you can.

We encourage you and your colleagues to REGISTER NOW

Download Agenda HERE

REGISTRATION IS OPEN: eClinical Forum Hybrid Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany June 14-16, 2023

Darmstadt, Germany

  • 14/06/2023 - 16/06/2023
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 426
REGISTRATION IS OPEN: eClinical Forum Hybrid Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany June 14-16, 2023

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for our next European Workshop in Darmstadt Germany on June 14-16 hosted by eClinical Forum.

This hybrid workshop is available for face-to-face or remote participation.

READ MORE to download Agenda


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • 2 November 2022
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 655
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The joint Working Group on AI/ML by eClinical Forum and EUCROF is monitoring the evolution of AI/ML technologies in the Life Sciences domain and addressing relevant topics that are of major interest for clinical research.

Decentralised Clinical Trials

  • 2 November 2022
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 563
Decentralised Clinical Trials

The DCT Working Group is a joint effort between eClinical Forum and EUCROF. The team's objectives are to define DCT terms and to develop position papers and roadmaps on DCT solutions that simplify patient and site experiences. 

Agenda Available: EU Hybrid Workshop, Uppsala Sweden 4-6 October 2022

Viedoc Technologies, Uppsala, Sweden

  • 04/10/2022 - 06/10/2022
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 504
Agenda Available: EU Hybrid Workshop, Uppsala Sweden 4-6 October 2022

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for our next European Workshop kindly hosted by Viedoc Technologies at their premises in Uppsala, Sweden, on 4-6 October 2022.

This hybrid workshop is available for face-to-face or remote participation.

READ MORE to download Agenda


REGISTRATION OPEN: eClinical Forum Hybrid Workshop, Brussels May 17-19 2022

Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport, Belgium.

  • 17/05/2022 - 19/05/2022
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 950
REGISTRATION OPEN: eClinical Forum Hybrid Workshop, Brussels May 17-19 2022

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for our next European Workshop at the Crowne Plaza Brussels Airport, Brussels on 17-19 May 2022.
This hybrid workshop is available for face-to-face or remote participation.

  • For those that can come to Brussels, you will benefit from us getting back to the networking and camaraderie of a face-to-face eCF meeting. Learning from each other is what we do best, and the workshop will provide opportunity for collaboration and exchange, contribution to the work of the eClinical Forum, round table discussions on hot topics and time for Q&A.  
  • For those that prefer to participate virtually, there is a large choice of live streamed and recorded sessions that will be available for you to choose from and to engage with.

AGENDA AVAILABLE: eClinical Forum Virtual Workshop, 19-28 October 2021

  • 19/10/2021 - 28/10/2021
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 1549
AGENDA AVAILABLE: eClinical Forum Virtual Workshop, 19-28 October 2021

We are pleased to announce the details of our next Virtual Global Workshop on 19-28 October 2021. The virtual workshop will include presentation, discussion and working sessions and is open to participants from any member company in any region.

Our virtual workshops have been a great success and this one will be even better! The sessions have been optimised to accommodate our members from around the world by spreading the meeting over 6 days (19-21 October and 26-28 October), limiting the duration of each meeting day to 2 hours and by offering 2 sessions a day (at 8:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC). Learning from each other is what we do best, and the workshop will provide opportunity for collaboration and exchange through breakout groups to contribute to the work of the eClinical Forum, round table discussions on hot topics and time for Q&A.  Of course, nothing can replace the networking and camaraderie of a face-to-face eCF meeting, but we will come close! REGISTER HERE

Public Release: Electronic Informed Consent Implementation Guide Practical Considerations Version 1.0

Better Together

  • 18 March 2021
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 3553
Public Release: Electronic Informed Consent Implementation Guide  Practical Considerations  Version 1.0

The EUCROF and eClinical Forum Electronic Informed Consent (eConsent) Joint Task Force are pleased to announce the publication of the eConsent Implementation Guide (version 1). The joint task force was formed in 2019 with a view to look at some of the barriers to adoption of eConsent considering the benefits to stakeholders.

eConsent offers remote electronic options for informing and consenting trial participants of a clinical trial, this being a particularly useful capability especially during the pandemic period when site visits are reduced.

REGISTRATION IS OPEN: eClinical Forum Virtual Spring Workshop, 4-18 May 2021

  • 04/05/2021 - 18/05/2021
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 2532
REGISTRATION IS OPEN: eClinical Forum Virtual Spring Workshop, 4-18 May 2021

We are pleased to announce the details of our next Virtual Global Workshop on 4-18 May 2021. The virtual workshop will include presentation, discussion and working sessions and is open to participants from any member company in any region.

Our virtual workshops in 2020 were a great success and this one will be even better! We have made sure that sessions are as convenient as possible for the different timezones across the world by limiting the duration of sessions and offering more regional sessions. Learning from each other is what we do best and we will be introducing a number of ways to increase interactivity during the workshop (although nothing can replace the networking and comeraderie of an eCF face-to-face meeting!). REGISTER HERE

Fraud Alert!

Fraudulent Emails sent out with eclinicalforum.org addresses in April and May 2020

  • 8 May 2020
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 3386
Fraud Alert!

We have recently learnt that fraudulent Emails have been sent out with eclinicalforum.org addresses. The security issue has now been fixed, however, please be vigilant if you have received Emails during April and May purportedly from the eClinical Forum if they are asking for payment or personal information.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at webmaster3@eclinicalforum.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Success! eClinical Forum 2020 Spring Meetings replaced with Virtual Global Workshop 11-13 May 2020

  • 11/05/2020 - 14/05/2020
  • Author: Webmaster1
  • Number of views: 5107
Success! eClinical Forum 2020 Spring Meetings replaced with Virtual Global Workshop 11-13 May 2020

The Virtual Workshop on May 11-13 that replaced the planned face-to-face Spring Workshops in Helsinki, Finland and Princeton, NJ was a huge success.  It was attended by over 130 members from around the globe, representing 46 member companies -- many of whom would not have been able to attend a face-to-face meeting and this was their first eCF workshop. 4 EMA inspectors and several guests also attended. Evaluations gave the workshop a 4.3/5.0 which is lower than our face-to-face workshops, but for our first virtual workshop we are happy with this grade!  A few comments from the evaluations: "Always an excellent group with many real experts.  The interactions are very good."  "Congratulations on an excellent event.  Everything worked well.  Sure, we missed the networking and evening events, but this worked well."  "eClinical Forum is a fantastic source of information about the landscape of eClinical today."  "eCF continues to be incredible value for money"

We are planning for another Virtual Workshop in Autumn 2020 (the week of October 12-16) and hoping to return to face-to-face workshops for Spring 2021. We now have a lot of good ideas for improvements for our 2nd Virtual Workshop! If anyone wants to make suggestions, please send to info@eclinicalforum.org. Thanks!!



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(Join the eClinical Forum and learn how to leverage existing and emerging technologies for electronic clinical trials. Access an eClinical community, member-only knowledge, events and forums)
«July 2024»
eCF Birds-of-a-Feather Webinar:  Site experience in the day-and-age of hybrid e-trials

eCF Birds-of-a-Feather Webinar:  Site experience in the day-and-age of hybrid e-trials

Back by popular demand!  Dr. van de Walle presented at the hybrid European eCF workshop in May … and we just ran out of time to answer all the questions! So many requests to ask Viviënne to present again with more time. So, here it is! Not to be missed!  Viviënne is a full-time investigator and founder of an indepenent research site. She has vast site and patient experience and will share her insight into how hybrid trials are going for the sites and the patients.

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eCF Views & News

eCF Views & News

We send out a brief monthly newsletter via email to all our active eCF members to keep them abreast of the activities of eCF that they can participate in. The more who participate, the better we are "A Network Powered by Peers". Click to see the most current newsletter.

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2024 Members Release of the "Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials" (commonly referred to as the “eCF Requirements”)

2024 Members Release of the "Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials" (commonly referred to as the “eCF Requirements”)

The "eCF Requirements" Members Release V2024 has been released.  This is a significant accomplishment by the eClinical Forum’s “Regulatory Expert Group” (REG) as they have put in countless hours over many years to be able to produce such a comprehensive list of compliance requirements for  electronic systems that will manage data used in regulated clinical research, against regulations and guidances from 40 different documents from FDA, EMA, PMDA, NMPA, MHRA and ICH and ISO.

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Public release of the "Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials" (commonly referred to as the “eCF Requirements”)

Public release of the "Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials" (commonly referred to as the “eCF Requirements”)

The eClinical Forum is releasing its 7th public version of the “eCF Requirements” which takes all of the requirements and guidance directions that pertain to electronic data and electronic systems that support clinical research, from FDA, EMA, PMDA, MNPA, MHRA and ICH , and boils them down into 37 unique statements or "eCF Requirements".

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eCF Birds-of-a-Feather Webinar:  Protocol Optimization using AI/ML

eCF Birds-of-a-Feather Webinar:  Protocol Optimization using AI/ML

We will be discussing the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI in clinical development.

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