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Event date: 06/02/2025 Export event
eCF “Think GCP” Webinar:  ICH E6(R3) for eCF Members

eCF “Think GCP” Webinar:  ICH E6(R3) for eCF Members

Thursday, February 6 2025

eCF “Think GCP” Webinar:  ICH E6(R3)

Date:                 Thurs, February 6 2025     Duration: One hour

Presenter:        Rebecca Stanbrook, GCP Strategic Lead, Process & Risk Surveillance, Novartis, EFPIA Topic Lead ICH E6(R3)

About this topic:  The final piece of the GCP renovation puzzle, revision 3 of ICH GCP.  Understand the background to the renovation, key changes and the philosophy of the changes in this one hour webinar.

Time: This webinar will be presented twice to enable everyone to find a convenient time to join. It will not be recorded. 

Webinar A: UTC 0900 (0900 GMT , 1000 CET, 1100 EET, 1430 India, 1700 China, 1800 Japan, 2000 Sydney)

Webinar B:  UTC 1600 (8am PST, 9am MST, 10am CST, 11am EST, 1pm Brazil, 4pm UK, 5pm Europe, 6pm EET, 9:30pm India)

Open To: All employees of eClinical Forum member companies (gratis). 

Background: eClinical Forum webinar sessions focus on the details of a specific topic.  All participants are encouraged to share information and ask questions. Anyone from an eCF member company can participate, gratis.

Registration: Staff of an eCF Member company may register by sending an email to webinars@eclinicalforum.org from your "work" email address. Please indicate event date and time.

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