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Event date: 12/03/2025 Export event
eCF Technology Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

eCF Technology Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

March 12, 2025

eCF Technology Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

H.Code by AiCure is the world’s first patient engagement AI, a comprehensive platform that extends the reach of your care team into the patient’s home and life—more seamlessly, frequently, and effectively. 

We will discuss the importance of engagement with clinical trial participants and share innovative strategies to improve it. Specifically, we will discuss:

  • Simplifying clinical studies by reducing the number of technologies used
  • Importance of active engagement between clinical sites and trial participants
  • Utilizing predictive analytics to inform patient interventions for improved adherence, compliance, and retention

Presenter: Megan Gross, MS, PGC, Associate Director of Clinical Site Services at AiCure

Date: Wed, 12-March-2025        Duration: One hour

Time: We apologize for the inconvenient time in some time zones.  In addition, we will record the session. Please also register if you are interested in receiving a link to the recording.

Recording: A link to the recording will be provided the next day, to those who have registered for this.

Open To: All employees of eClinical Forum member organisations (gratis). For information on eCF membership, please see www.eclinicalforum.org/membership or send an inquiry to info@eclinicalforum.org.

Registration: Anyone from an eCF member organisation may register using this link: eCF Tech Showcase: AiCure: Using AI to improve patient adherence, compliance, and retention

Background: This is an eClinical Forum Technology Showcase. Our Technology Showcase sessions have been requested by eCF members to provide a demonstration of products or services, and by necessity are not technology or vendor neutral. The eClinical Forum does not promote nor endorse any particular technology vendors. Any member can participate that has an interest in the topic area.  Any eClinical Forum Member may suggest or present a Technology Showcase. For more information, please reply to webinars@eclinicalforum.org.

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