"This is the best use of my time to remain current with what is going on in the industry."
The eClinical Forum is a global network of peers. It provides a non‐competitive environment for innovation, learning and collaboration in clinical research.
It is a response to the growing expectation by regulatory agencies for clinical trial sponsors to verify that clinical research site systems (e.g., EHRs) comply with requirements to protect confidentiality and provide accurate and reliable data for the use in a regulated research environment. V2024 includes updates based on the EMA Guideline on computerised systems and electronic data in clinical trials.
The goal is to produce a list and description of the essential metadata required to be able to reenact the events of the trial.
Congratulations to the joint C-Path/eCF :eCOA Best Practices" Team for publishing their paper “Best Practice Recommendations for Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessment Data Changes”
in the peer-reviewed SCDM Journal “Digital First”.
The eClinical Forum REG Team has completed a significant update to the Members-Only 2023 release of the eCF Requirements for Electronic Data for Regulated Clinical Trials (commonly referred to as the “eCF Requirements”). This updated release incorporates extensive review and mapping of the EMA Guideline for Computerised Systems and Electronic Data in Clinical Research. This document is invaluable in determining if electronic records and systems are appropriate for use in regulated clinical trials.
eClinical Forum's two-day APAC Workshop was held in Kobe on 13 & 14-Nov-2023. The workshop was such a great success, thanks to generous and attentive hosting by Eli Lilly and thanks to all the participants from sponsors, investigator sites and system integrators who made contributions through thought-provoking presentations, intelligent comments/questions and friendly discussions. Thank you all and see you at next year's workshop!
The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Team is pleased to announce the public release of theirwhite paper titled "AI state-of-play around clinical research"
The white paper were written by a joint task force from the eClinical Forum and Eucrof.
The Archiving and Decommission Team is pleased to announce the public release of three white papers:
These white papers were written by a joint task force from EUCROF and the eClinical Forum, with representatives from other industry associations including ECRIN, the ePRO consortium, Medicines for Europe and the RQA.
The joint Working Group on AI/ML by eClinical Forum and EUCROF is monitoring the evolution of AI/ML technologies in the Life Sciences domain and addressing relevant topics that are of major interest for clinical research.
The DCT Working Group is a joint effort between eClinical Forum and EUCROF. The team's objectives are to define DCT terms and to develop position papers and roadmaps on DCT solutions that simplify patient and site experiences. Read more
Developing a questionnaire to assist sites in evaluating their e-Investigator Site File systems against clinical research regulatory regulations and recommendations.
The eClinical Forum is happy to announce the release of the "Investigator’s signature on electronic Case Report Forms (eCRFs), PR2.1"
About the Best Practice Document: There is increased scrutiny by regulatory agencies on the collection of investigator’s signatures as evidence of the overall oversight on the eCRF is reported to the sponsor. eClinical Forum PI Signature Working Group was formed in March 2021 to update the best practice document originally issued in 2017 by identifying best practices that are based on compliance to regulatory requirements and on risks such as reputation, credibility, legal liability of the data being used by the sponsor.
The Regulatory Expert Group is happy to announce the release of the English translation of the JPMA EDC Management Sheet v2.00. EDC Management Sheet is a tool by which Japan Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) ensures the computerized system used in clinical trials comply with relevant regulations and guidelines.This is an unofficial translation and made public for anyone to use. Please be advised that the original Japanese version should be used for any disputes.
eCF Free Public Webinar: Regulatory Requirements for Electronic Data/Systems for Clinical Trials, and associated site system assessments
The eClinical Forum is pleased to offer a free public webinar – to provide information on our 3 free tools: The “eCF Requirements” (Requirements for electronic data for regulated clinical trials), eSRA (Site eSource-Readiness Assessment), and ISF (Investigator Site File System) Assessment. 18-Sept-24: Registration Required.
EU Hybrid Workshop Announced
Registration is open! Our EU Hybrid Workshop will be kindly hosted by Boehringer Ingelheim at their offices in Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany on October 15-17 2024.
eCF Americas Autumn Workshop 2024 Announced
Registration is open! Our Americas Autumn workshop will be kindly hosted by eClinical Solutions at their offices in Mansfield, Massachussetts (near Boston/Patriots Stadium) on October 22-24 2024.
eCF APAC Autumn Workshop 2024 Announced
Registration is open! Our APAC Autumn workshop will be kindly hosted by Clario at the Hyatt Regency Tokyo Bayin Urayasu, Japan on November 11-12 2024.