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North America Autumn Meeting Blue Bell PA - Different Perspectives
NA Administrator

North America Autumn Meeting Blue Bell PA - Different Perspectives

Event Feedback

The meeting this week (Oct 24-26), hosted by Clinical Ink at Normandy Farms, was truly outstanding. With 31 different organizations participating, including guests from 3 investigator sites and a Patient Advocacy group, and members from large pharma, bio-pharma, CRO, and software vendors, the discussions took on many levels and perspectives. We took on issues with new technologies, innovation, patient-centricity, and site processes and technologies, all living under the umbrella of regulations and privacy laws. We also tackled a team-building cooking adventure and did a lot of networking! Our meeting numbers continue to grow with this being the largest meeting for the NA eCF Forum yet, and the post-meeting evaluations consistently show that members appreciate the candor of sharing of information and breadth of topics provided.
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