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eCF Technology Showcase: Viedoc Technologies AB – “The integrated eTMF/eISF to control study documentation management”

Webinar: Thursday, 16-November-2023 

Event date: 16/11/2023 Export event

eCF Technology Showcase: Viedoc Technologies AB – “The integrated eTMF/eISF to control study documentation management”

eCF Technology Showcase: Viedoc Technologies AB – “The integrated approach eTMF/eISF to control study documentation management”

The shift toward virtual and decentralized studies and the increasing complexity of clinical trials pose challenges in the management of the study documentation. This demands the use of streamlined and integrated eTMF solutions that facilitate user access at any time and anywhere. An important requirement of such a solution is that the completeness of the documents is guaranteed and easy to track and has a clear definition of roles and responsibilities. Viedoc offers a solution where eTMF (electronic Trial Master File) and eISF (electronic Investigator Site File) are two sides of the same interface using role-based access and an adaptable eTMF structure. They will share their vision and discuss about future challenges to keep the eTMF a smart solution.

Presenter: Lorenza Capantini - Customer Success Manager

Date: Thursday, 16-November-2023        Duration: One hour

Time: This Technology Showcase will be offered twice to accommodate most time zones.  In addition, we will record the session. Please also register if you are interested in the recording.

Webinar A:

Webinar B:

Recording: A link to the recording will be provided the next day, to those who have registered for this.

Open To: Staff from eClinical Forum member companies (gratis). For information on eCF membership, please see www.eclinicalforum.org/membership or send an inquiry to info@eclinicalforum.org.

Background: This is an eClinical Forum Technology Showcase. Our Technology Showcase sessions have been requested by eCF members to provide a demonstration of products or services, and by necessity are not technology or vendor neutral. The eClinical Forum does not promote nor endorse any particular technology vendors. Any member can participate that has an interest in the topic area.  Any eClinical Forum Member may suggest or present a Technology Showcase. For more information, please reply to webinars@eclinicalforum.org.

eCF Members-Only Registration LinkeCF Technology Showcase: Viedoc Technologies: “The integrated approach eTMF/eISF to control study documentation management” (eclinicalforum.org)

Questions about membership? Contact info@eclinicalforum.org 


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