The eClinical Forum is a global network of peers. It provides a non‐competitive environment for innovation, learning and collaboration in clinical research.



eCF Technology Showcase: eClinical Solutions - "Leveraging a Digital Accelerator

5-April-2022 at UTC 14:00

eCF Technology Showcase: eClinical Solutions - "Leveraging a Digital Accelerator

eClinical Solutions Technology Showcase: As the volume, variety and velocity of data sources available for use in clinical research have grown, the need has arisen for a modern data infrastructure that automates data processes from ingestion through submissions.  75% of Life Sciences companies are still using Excel and SAS to integrate data sources slowing time to insight for data review teams, reducing collaboration and extending traditional cycle time metrics like LPLV to DBL.

eClinical Solutions, and eClinical Forum Member company, offer elluminate Clinical Data Cloud as a foundation of modern digital trials. This session will demonstrate the numerous capabilities in the platform that replace manual processes in the data lifecycle. They will share frequent uses cases and the business outcomes data management, medical monitoring, statistical analysis and clinical programming and clinical operations teams experience when using the elluminate Clinical Data Cloud.   


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«April 2022»
eCF Technology Showcase: eClinical Solutions - "Leveraging a Digital Accelerator

eCF Technology Showcase: eClinical Solutions - "Leveraging a Digital Accelerator

eClinical Solutions Technology Showcase: As the volume, variety and velocity of data sources available for use in clinical research have grown, the need has arisen for a modern data infrastructure that automates data processes from ingestion through submissions.  75% of Life Sciences companies are still using Excel and SAS to integrate data sources slowing time to insight for data review teams, reducing collaboration and extending traditional cycle time metrics like LPLV to DBL.

eClinical Solutions, and eClinical Forum Member company, offer elluminate Clinical Data Cloud as a foundation of modern digital trials. This session will demonstrate the numerous capabilities in the platform that replace manual processes in the data lifecycle. They will share frequent uses cases and the business outcomes data management, medical monitoring, statistical analysis and clinical programming and clinical operations teams experience when using the elluminate Clinical Data Cloud.   

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eCF BoF Webinar: Principal Investigator's Signature: Best Practices

eCF BoF Webinar: Principal Investigator's Signature: Best Practices

 The eCF’s PI Signature Working Group have updated their 3-year-old document which is released to eCF Members in early April.  They will introduce the 2022 changes to the best practice document for Investigator’s signature on electronic Case Report Forms (eCRFs).  Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts on:

- how to provide continuous monitoring of regulatory expectations;

- sharing members’ experience on implementation and regulatory findings (if any);

- brainstorming for an industry definition of the “meaning” of signature on data reported to sponsors during both traditional and non-traditional clinical trials.

Presenters:   eCF PI Signature Team Leaders:  Cinzia Piccinia (Eli Lilly) and Babette von Hagen (CSL Behring)

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