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Birds-of-a-Feather Presentation and Discussion:  Audit Trail Review Tools

Thurs, 21-Sept-2023

Event date: 21/09/2023 Export event

Birds-of-a-Feather Presentation and Discussion:  Audit Trail Review Tools

Birds-of-a-Feather Presentation and Discussion:  Audit Trail Review Tools

Date:  Thurs, 21-Sept-2023      Duration: one hour

Facilitators:    Jun Zhao, Yanan Hu, Ying Huang, Boehringer-Ingelheim         

Open To: Staff from eClinical Forum member companies gratis FOLLOW THIS LINK TO REGISTER:   eCF Birds-of-a-Feather: Audit Trail Review Tools (eclinicalforum.org)  (If you are not an eCF member, please review our website www.eclinicalforum.org/membership for membership information or contact info@eclinicalforum.org )

Background: eClinical Forum  Birds-of-a-Feather sessions focus on the details of a specific topic.  All participants are encouraged to share information and ask questions. Anyone from an eCF member company can participate, gratis. The facilitator will [try to] keep the subject on track and prompt discussion and information sharing.

For This Topic:   The facilitators will share their experiences with the Boehringer-Ingelheim audit trail review tool … how it was developed, how it is being used, and what are the benefits. They welcome and encourage an open discussion on what tools and procedures other organizations are using for audit trail review.

Note – in April 2021, the eCF, joint with SCDM, released a public white paper on this topic, that can be downloaded at Public Release: Audit Trail Review: Key Tool to Ensure Data Integrity Version 1.0 (eclinicalforum.org)

Time – We apologize for the inconvenient time in some time zones. We will be recording this session, so please also register if you would like a link to the recording.


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eCF Views & News

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