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eCF APAC Workshop -- All's well that ends well

eClinical Forum's two-day APAC Workshop was held in Kobe on 13 & 14-Nov-2023. This was an in-person-only event and there were 26 attendees. Lots of opportunities for discussions ... after each presentation, and in break-out sessions, breaks and over dinner. The workshop was such a great success thanks to generous and attentive hosting by Eli Lilly and thanks to all the participants from sponsors, investigator sites and system integrators who made contributions through thought-provoking presentations, intelligent comments/questions and friendly discussions.

We will let you know once the host/place of the 2024 APAC Workshop is determined. We are looking forward to seeing you all at the next APAC Workshop wherever it will be.

eClinical Forum members can access the materials and presentation slides in the members area of this website.


Categories: EVENTS, Asia Pacific Meetings, PRIVACY, Visible by PublicNumber of views: 398
