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2001: Investigator Survey

The eClinical Forum has conducted a global survey of investigational site experiences and expectations with EDC. The survey covers:

* Computer use and site facilities.
* Current experience with EDC.
* Satisfaction with EDC features.
* Future expectations.

840 completed questionnaires were returned by both EDC-experienced (52%) and EDC-naïve (48%) investigators. The results show:

* In the EDC-experienced population, over 40% of current trials use EDC.
* Although there are significant differences between continents, investigators are very computer literate with even 20-30% of EDC-naïve investigators using Email and Internet several times a day.
* Investigators find data entry a burden that should ideally be shifted to other site staff.
* Despite investigators wanting to improve the speed of data entry, only 13% of data is first entered into the eCRF. The main opportunity to improve speed of entry lies in avoiding duplication of entry into both EDC and patient records.
* Gaps exist between investigator need and level of satisfaction with speed of communication, tools for study management, direct data transfer and resources for data entry.
* Most EDC-experienced investigators consider that EDC should be used for all trials, and over 50% of investigators say that the availability of EDC will positively affect their decision to participate in trials.

The results show certain interesting issues and trends that the eClinical Forum will continue to explore.

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Author: Webmaster1

Categories: PUBLIC DOWNLOADS, Survey ResultsNumber of views: 2230
